Nathan A Capps Contact 865.341.0458 | All Publications A study on the impact of using a subchannel resolution for modeling of large break loss of coolant accidents MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF FRESH, HYDRIDED, AND Cr-COATED CLADDING TUBES AND SUB-SIZED FLAT SPECIMENS NON-DESTRUCTIVE POST IRRADIATION EXAMINATION OF FIRST CYCLE ACCIDENT TOLERANT AND ADVANCED ZIRCONIUM ALLOY HIGH BURNUP FUEL RODS BISON VALIDATION TO PRESSUREIZED WATER REACTOR HIGH-BURNUP POST-IRRADIATION EXAMINATION DATA DEVELOPMENT OF TRANSIENT FISSION GAS RELEASE CAPABILITIES TO STUDY HIGH BURNUP COMMERCIAL FUEL PERFORMANCE UNDER LOSS OF COOLANT ACCIDENT CONDITIONS THE U.S. ACCIDENT TOLERANT FUELS PROGRAM: RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS SUPPORTING IMPLEMENTATION FUEL FRAGMENT DISPERSAL DURING A POSTBURST VIBRATION EVENT... SAFETY AND PERFORMANCE ASPECTS IN THE DEVELOPMENT AND QUALIFICATION OF HIGH BURNUP NUCLEAR FUELS FOR WATER COOLED REACTORS... High-Burnup BWR LOCA Burst Analysis Framework Development and Demonstration... ROADRUNNER MiniFuel Experiment - Irradiation Target Design and Sample Characterization Recent High Burnup LOCA Testing at Oak Ridge National Laboratory... Modeling and design of a separate effects irradiation test targeting fission gas release from Cr-doped UO2... Fatigue Testing and Characterization of Pre-hydrided Zircaloy-4 Cladding Tubes Dispersal of high-burnup fuel fragment surrogate particles during and after loss-of-coolant accident tests Assessment of the CTF subchannel code for modeling a large-break loss-of-coolant accident reflood transient In Situ Cladding Surface Temperature Measurements during Simulated LOCA Transients M3FT-24OR020204043: REPORT ON DIC CYCLIC DRYOUT TESTING OF ATF CLADDING MATERIALS... Raman spectroscopy of uranium nitride kernels Design and Assembly of MiniFuel Targets for Characterization of High Burnup UO2 Specimens Irradiated in the High Flux Isotope Reactor Raman Spectroscopy of Zirconium Hydride... An integrated statistical-thermodynamic model for fission gas release and swelling in nuclear fuels In-situ determination of strain during transient burst testing and the temperature dependence of Zircaloy-4 claddings NEAMS Burnup Extension Accomplishments and Remaining Modeling Gaps Impact of LWR assembly structural features on cladding burst behavior under LOCA conditions Mesoscale modeling of the effects of accelerated burnup on UO2 microstructural evolution Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 … Next page ›› Last page Last » Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Nuclear Fuel Development Section Fuel Cladding and Core Internals Group