Mitchel J Doktycz Contact 865.574.6204 | All Publications Profiling expression strategies for a type III polyketide synthase in a lysate-based, cell-free system An integrated metagenomic, metabolomic and transcriptomic survey of Populus across genotypes and environments Formation of a constructed microbial community in a nutrient-rich environment indicates bacterial interspecific competition Editorial: Plant-microbe omics A rapid assay for assessing bacterial effects on Arabidopsis thermotolerance... Investigating and Optimizing the Lysate-Based Expression of Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetases Using a Reporter System Rewiring cell-free metabolic flux in E. coli lysates using a block—push—pull approach Mechanism for Utilization of the Populus-Derived Metabolite Salicin by a Pseudomonas—Rahnella Co-Culture Biological and Molecular Components for Genetically Engineering Biosensors in Plants... Metaproteomics reveals insights into microbial structure, interactions, and dynamic regulation in defined communities as they... Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Refractive Index or Mass Spectrometric Detection for Metabolite Profiling in Lysate-based Cell-free Systems Advances and perspectives in discovery and functional analysis of small secreted proteins in plants... A Lysate Proteome Engineering Strategy for Enhancing Cell-Free Metabolite Production... Cultivating the Bacterial Microbiota of Populus Roots... Formation, characterization and modeling of emergent synthetic microbial communities... Machine Learning‐based Prediction of Enzyme Substrate Scope: Application to Bacterial Nitrilases... Plant-microbe interactions: from genes to ecosystems using Populus as a model system... Targeted Growth Medium Dropouts Promote Aromatic Compound Synthesis in Crude E. coli Cell-Free Systems... A carotenoid-deficient mutant of the plant-associated microbe Pantoea sp. YR343 displays an altered membrane proteome... Computationally Guided Discovery and Experimental Validation of Indole-3-acetic Acid Synthesis Pathways... Microfluidics and Metabolomics Reveal Symbiotic Bacterial–Fungal Interactions Between Mortierella elongata and Burkholderia... Label-free time- and space-resolved exometabolite sampling of growing plant roots through nanoporous interfaces... Increasing access to microfluidics for studying fungi and other branched biological structures... Pore-scale hydrodynamics influence the spatial evolution of bacterial biofilms in a microfluidic porous network Loss of carotenoids from membranes of Pantoea sp. YR343 results in altered lipid composition and changes in membrane biophysi... Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 … Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links ORCID Organizations Biological and Environmental Systems Science Directorate Biosciences Division Bioimaging and Analytics Section Molecular and Cellular Imaging Group