Misha B Krassovski IT engineer Contact 865.574.7838 | krassovskimb@ornl.gov All Publications Near-real-time environmental monitoring and large-volume data collection over slow communication links Ecosystem warming extends vegetation activity but heightens vulnerability to cold temperatures Attaining Whole-Ecosystem Warming Using Air and Deep Soil Heating Methods with an Elevated CO2 Atmosphere... A comprehensive data acquisition and management system for an ecosystem-scale peatland warming and elevated CO2 experiment The AmeriFlux Data Activity and Data System: An Evolving Collection of Data Management Techniques, Tools, Products and Servic... Experimental Whole-ecosystem Warming Enables Novel Estimation of Snow Cover and Depth Sensitivities to Temperature, and Quantification of the Snow-Albedo Feedback Effect Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Atmosphere Hybrid energy module for remote environmental observations, experiments, and communications Ecosystem warming extends vegetation activity but heightens vulnerability to cold temperatures Attaining Whole-Ecosystem Warming Using Air and Deep Soil Heating Methods with an Elevated CO2 Atmosphere Use of a metadata documentation and search tool for large data volumes: The NGEE arctic example... Scientific Functional Testing Platform for Environmental Models: An Application to Community Land Mode... The NGEE Arctic Data Archive -- Portal for Archiving and Distributing Data and Documentation... NGEE Arctic Data Management - status and planned activities for 2013... Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID Organizations Biological and Environmental Systems Science Directorate Environmental Sciences Division Earth Systems Science Section Ecosystem Processes Group