Michael J Brim Senior R&D Staff Contact 865.576.9358 | brimmj@ornl.gov All Publications UnifyFS: A User-level Shared File System for Unified Access to Distributed Local Storage... INTERSECT Architecture Specification: Microservice Architecture (Version 0.5) Monitoring Extreme-scale Lustre Toolkit... A Microservices Architecture Toolkit for Interconnected Science Ecosystems Empowering Scientific Innovation Through An Integrated Research Infrastructure: The Role of the Advanced Computing Ecosystem OLCF’s Advanced Computing Ecosystem (ACE): FY24 Efforts for the DOE Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) Program Frontier: Exploring Exascale 2022 Operational Assessment - OLCF A High-level Design for Bidirectional Data Streaming to High-Performance Computing Systems from External Science Facilities... Leveraging Single-Page Applications for Seamless Scientific Workflows: DevSecOps Considerations Enabling Interconnected Science Workflows through an Adapter Approach Best practices for documenting a scientific Python project Frontier: Exploring Exascale INTERSECT Architecture Specification: Microservice Architecture (Version 0.9)... Approaching the Final Frontier: Lessons Learned from the Deployment of HPE/Cray EX Spock and Crusher supercomputers Towards Acceptance Testing at the Exascale Frontier Scaling the Summit: Deploying the World's Fastest Supercomputer Are we witnessing the spectre of an HPC meltdown? Are We Witnessing the Spectre of an HPC Meltdown? I/O load balancing for big data HPC applications UNITY: Unified Memory and File Space... Evaluating Dynamic File Striping For Lustre... Asynchronous Object Storage with QoS for Scientific and Commercial Big Data... Key Links Curriculum Vitae Google Scholar ORCID LinkedIn GitHub Organizations Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate National Center for Computational Sciences Advanced Technologies Section Technology Integration Group National Center for Computational Sciences Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility User Facilities Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility