Dr. Manley received his PhD in Materials Science from Caltech in 2001 and was awarded the 18th Louis Rosen Prize for his thesis. He was a Director’s Postdoctoral Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory for a little over a year before being promoted to staff scientist. He then moved to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 2006 where he received a Science, Technology, and Engineering Award for his research, and to his current position at Oak Ridge in 2012. He won the 2021 TMS FMD Distinguished Scientist Award and is a Science Lead for the Center for Thermal Energy Transport under Irradiation, Co-PI on the BES funded program Neutron Scattering Studies of Hybrid Excitations, and Co-Scientific Director of the National School on Neutron & X-ray Scattering.
Research Interests:
Neutron and x-ray scattering, basic and applied problems in materials physics, relaxor ferroelectric behavior, thermoelectric material performance, nuclear materials, thermodynamic and mechanical properties, phase stability, electronic structure, thermal transport, shape memory effect, nonlinear lattice dynamical effects, disorder.
- BES FWP “Neutron Scattering Studies of Hybrid Excitations” Co-PI, 2018-present .
- BES EFRC “The Center for Thermal Energy Transport under Irradiation (TETI)” Science lead (https://teti.inl.gov/), 2018–present.
- BES FWP "Impact of Dynamic Instabilities and Local Structure on Energy Materials" Co-PI, 2012–2018.
- Vice Chair, “Physics and Chemistry of Materials” Committee, TMS 2013-2015
- NSF Grant DMR-0906491: "Dynamical Localization in High Temperature Crystals as Measured by Inelastic Neutron Scattering," Co-PI with Albert Sievers (Cornell), 2009–2014.
Professional Experience
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Senior Researcher, 2012-present.
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Staff Scientist, 2006-2012.
- University of California, Davis, Materials Science, Adjunct Professor, 2006-2011.
- University of California, Davis, Materials Science, Visiting Professor, 2005-2006.
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Staff Scientist, 2002-2006.
- Director-Funded Postdoctoral Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2001-2002.
- PhD, Material Science, California Institute of Technology, 2001.
- MS, Material Science, California Institute of Technology, 1998.
- MS, Engineering Sciences, Dartmouth College, Thayer School of Engineering, 1996.
- BS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Massachusetts at Lowell, 1994.
Educational Activities:
- Graduate level: National School on Neutron & X-ray Scattering (Co-Director, ORNL, 2018-present), LANSCE Neutron School 2008 (LANL, 2008), Fracture Mechanics (UC Davis, 2005),
- Undergraduate level: Circuit Theory (UNM, Los Alamos, 2003), Materials Failure Analysis (UC Davis, 2006), Mechanical Properties Lab (UC Davis, 2007).
Professional Service
- Co-Scientific Director, National School on Neutron & X-ray Scattering, 2018-present
- Chair, “Physics and Chemistry of Materials” Committee, TMS 2016-2018
- Organizer, “Hume-Rothery Award Symposium in honor of B. Fultz”, 2016 TMS Annual Meeting
- Vice Chair, “Physics and Chemistry of Materials” Committee, TMS 2013-2015
- Organizer, “Frustrated Ferroic Materials”, 2015 TMS Annual Meeting
- Science Review Committee, Oak Ridge Natl. Lab. Neutron Scattering Science Division, 2010-2012
- Selection committee for the Louis Rosen Prize, 2008
- Organizer, “Fundamentals of Shape Memory and Related Transitions” at the 2007 TMS Annual Meeting
- LANSCE Materials Program Advisory Committee (beamtime proposal evaluations), 2003-2010
- Elected, user group executive committee, LANSCE, 2000 (1 year)