Dr. Mehdi Asgari is a senior computational nuclear engineer in the Power Reactor Modeling Group of the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He is involved with the development and benchmarking of the advanced modeling & simulation (M&S) capabilities including those in the Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA). Having held positions at Louisiana State University, DOE national labs, and industry, Dr. Asgari has over 30 years of experience in the areas of particle transport method, computational reactor physics capability development and analysis, nuclear fuel cycle analysis and reload design and optimization applied to Light Water Reactors (LWRs). Prior to joining ORNL in 2017, Dr. Asgari worked at Studsvik ScandPower for over nine years as a principal consultant performing reactor core M&S and analysis. At Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Dr. Asgari was the department manager for Reactor Physics Analysis & Design providing leadership for over 40 scientists/engineers in several diverse groups of technical professionals. In addition, he led a research group at INL in the transmutation and fuel cycle analysis for LWR and SFR under GNEP. At Global Nuclear Fuel (GNF), Dr. Asgari worked as a technical program manager (TPM) for seven years responsible for fuel cycle and reload design as well as licensing analyses for several BWR nuclear power plants. He has numerous issued patents in services and product designs applied to LWR.
He received a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, a master’s degree in nuclear engineering, and doctorate in engineering science with emphasis in Nuclear Engineering from Louisiana State University.