Marc Fialkoff

Marc R Fialkoff

Nuclear Security Research Staff

Marc Fialkoff is a nuclear security research staff member with the Transportation Security, Engineering, & Analysis group within the Nuclear Nonproliferation Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Dr. Fialkoff supports countries in developing transport security regulations for nuclear and other radioactive materials. He serves as a subject matter expert for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the area of regulatory development and has served as a legal expert on missions to support Member States developing nuclear security regulations. In 2019, Dr. Fialkoff served as a consultant to the IAEA in their effort to support member states in developing regulatory infrastructure for transport security. His research also examines novel questions of nuclear security and maritime law. Currently, he is working on the intersection of nuclear and maritime security for transportable nuclear power plants and floating nuclear power plants.

Dr. Fialkoff graduated from Virginia Tech in 2017 with his doctorate in Planning, Governance, and Globalization (Transportation Planning). His dissertation focused on evaluating the Jones Act waiver process in the aftermath of a disaster. During his time at Virginia Tech, Dr. Fialkoff was an instructor and adjunct professor, teaching courses on public policy implementation, environmental law, and an elective course on nuclear waste planning. He is a licensed attorney in Massachusetts and holds a law degree from Roger Williams University School of Law and earned a masters degree in transport planning while a Fulbright scholar to the Institute of Transport Studies at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom.

• Admitted to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Bar, 2015

• US-UK Fulbright Scholar to the University of Leeds, 2010-2011

• Eisenhower Institute Undergraduate Fellow for Public Policy, 2007-2009

• Mellon Grant Recipient for interdisciplinary research in public policy and chemistry, 2008

Ph.D., Planning, Governance & Globalization, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (2017)

J.D., Law, Roger Williams University School of Law (2014)

M.Sc., Sustainability (Transport), Institute of Transport Studies, University of Leeds (2011)

B.A., Political Science, Gettysburg College (2010)