Leah Hochanadel Technical Professional Contact hochanadell@ornl.gov | 865.576.8229 All Publications Complete genome of Pseudomonas putida strain WBB028 isolated from leaf litter Formation of a constructed microbial community in a nutrient-rich environment indicates bacterial interspecific competition A rapid assay for assessing bacterial effects on Arabidopsis thermotolerance... Mechanism for Utilization of the Populus-Derived Metabolite Salicin by a Pseudomonas—Rahnella Co-Culture Protoplast fusion in Bacillus species produces frequent, unbiased, genome-wide homologous recombination... Metaproteomics reveals insights into microbial structure, interactions, and dynamic regulation in defined communities as they... Cultivating the Bacterial Microbiota of Populus Roots... Formation, characterization and modeling of emergent synthetic microbial communities... Complete Genome Sequence of Starkeya sp. Strain ORNL1, a Soil Alphaproteobacterium Isolated from the Rhizosphere of Populus d... Complete Genome Sequence of the Novel Roseimicrobium sp. Strain ORNL1, a Verrucomicrobium Isolated from the Populus deltoides... Draft genome sequence of Tumebacillus sp. Strain BK434, isolated from the roots of Eastern cottonwood... Draft Genome Sequence of Larkinella sp. Strain BK230, Isolated from Populus deltoides Roots... Complete Genome Sequence of Terriglobus albidus Strain ORNL, an Acidobacterium Isolated from the Populus deltoides Rhizospher... Organizations Biological and Environmental Systems Science Directorate Biosciences Division Biodesign and Systems Biology Section Synthetic Biology Group