Portrait of Kiersten holding spiral pole piece from the Maryland 2 MeV Cyclotron

Kiersten J Ruisard

Accelerator Physicist

Dr. Kiersten Ruisard started working at ORNL as a Shull Fellow in 2018. She is currently a staff scientist in the Accelerator Physics Group in the Research Accelerator Division, Neutron Sciences Directorate. She holds a grant through the DOE Early Career Research Program (2021-2026), which supports her work measuring high dimensional ion beam distributions and improving simulation models at the SNS Beam Test Facility.  

Kiersten is currently an Early Career Member-at-large in the APS Division of Physics of Beams Unit (2023-2024). She is involved in conference organizing, including chairing the 5th ICFA Mini-Workshop on Space Charge, serving on the local organizing committee for the 2024 International Particle Accelerator Conference, and chairing the IPAC Americas student grants committee.

She received her PhD from the University of Maryland College Park in 2018 and her BSc. from Rutgers University in 2012. Her dissertation, which was supported by a NSF fellowship, focused on space charge effects in a low-energy electron ring, and included design of a strongly nonlinear lattice for resonance damping.