Kenneth C Littrell Senior Neutron Instrument Development Scientist Contact 865.291.7583 | All Publications Film Breakdown and Nano-Porous Mg(OH)2 Formation from Corrosion of Magnesium Alloys in Salt Solutions... The 40m General Purpose Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument at Oak Ridge National Laboratory... A Sustainable Multi-Dimensional Printable Material... Assessing the influence of microstructure on uranium hydride size distributions via small angle neutron scattering Grain boundary widening controls siderite (FeCO3) replacement of limestone (CaCO3) drtsans: The data reduction toolkit for small-angle neutron scattering at Oak Ridge National Laboratory In-Situ Study of Microstructure Evolution of Spinodal Decomposition in an Al-Rich High-Entropy Alloy Domain Wall Patterning and Giant Response Functions in Ferrimagnetic Spinels Bifunctional nanoprecipitates strengthen and ductilize a medium-entropy alloy Influence of microstructure on replacement and porosity generation during experimental dolomitization of limestones Nanoscale Interfacial Smoothing and Dissolution during Unconventional Reservoir Stimulation: Implications for Hydrocarbon Mobilization and Transport A Unified User-Friendly Instrument Control and Data Acquisition System for the ORNL SANS Instrument Suite Oxidation and associated pore structure modification during experimental alteration of granite Temporal Evolution of Corrosion Film Nano-Porosity and Magnesium Alloy Hydrogen Penetration in NaCl Solution Effects of soil particles and convective transport on dispersion and aggregation of nanoplastics via small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and ultra SANS (USANS) Quantifying Fluid‐Wettable Effective Pore Space in the Utica and Bakken Oil Shale Formations Quantifying Fluid‐Wettable Effective Pore Space in the Utica and Bakken Oil Shale Formations Coupling computational thermodynamics with density-function-theory based calculations to design L12 precipitates in Fe Ni based alloys Fractionation of Lignin for Selective Shape Memory Effects at Elevated Temperatures Controls of Microstructure and Chemical Reactivity on the Replacement of Limestone by Fluorite Studied Using Spatially Resolved Small Angle X-ray and Neutron Scattering Cation Molecular Structure Affects Mobility and Transport of Electrolytes in Porous Carbons A path for lignin valorization via additive manufacturing of high-performance sustainable composites with enhanced 3D printability Multiscale investigations of nanoprecipitate nucleation, growth, and coarsening in annealed low-Cr oxide dispersion strengthened FeCrAl powder Amphiphilic Bottlebrush Block Copolymers: Analysis of Aqueous Self-assembly by Small-angle Neutron Scattering and Surface Tension Measurements Solvent-pore interactions in the Eagle Ford shale formation Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links ORCID Organizations Neutron Sciences Directorate Neutron Technologies Division Neutron Instrument Technologies (RP) Section Neutronics Group