Karoly Magda

Karoly Magda

Cooling Systems Group Senior Engineer


SNS Cooling Systems Group Senior Engineer.  Experienced with beam accelerators cooling systems (ACS) and neutron research facility equipment cooling design, operation, maintenance, upgrade, and construction.  Acted as ACS Team Leader. Skilled in particle accelerator DI water (DIW) chemistry, Structure, RF components, magnet cooling, process control, and Central Utilities.  Participate in PPU Klystron Gallery cooling systems equipment and piping preliminary and final design, installation, test, and start up verification phases.  Collaborate in integration of equipment with multi-teams such as AE Construction Companies, Electrical, Process Control, RF, Conventional Facilities. Work on Preliminary and Final design of Ring Power Supplies and magnet cooling systems and acted as CAM.  

Work on other PPU project designs, procurement, and construction planning such as Ring Service Building power supply RN-03, acted as cost account manager (CAM) for RN-03.  Also, work on magnet cooling system RN-01, as well as the new injection kicker magnets’ cooling system, power supply cooling manifolds, and instruments upgrade. Wrote and co-wrote numerous design, procurement, and construction technical specifications and other documents. Several of these documents involved SNS accelerator cooling systems, deionized water quality, and the accelerator components’ cooling passages preservation.

Collaborate with other DOE National Laboratories regarding the cooling systems.  Advised them regarding technical solutions.  Reviewed the Fermilab Proton Improvement Plan II accelerator complex mechanical fluid systems preliminary design and co-wrote the final design report.

Worked on the Second Target Station (STS) cooling systems magnets and magnet power supply initial design and system sizing.  Designed and sized the initial STS cooling systems for magnets and magnet power supply.  Worked with AE Cannon Design and sized the initial pump room floor space.  Arranged the initial distribution piping for magnets and magnets power supplies.

Guided SNS tours for numerous visitors from other national laboratories, industry, technical and scientific fields, and the local community, including Oak Ridge and Knoxville area schools, colleges and other organizations. Trained several Neutron Sciences Directorate employees to become SNS tour guides.  Traveled with the ORNL science trailer and guided the SNS trailer visitors.

Collaborated with the DOE/National Nuclear Security Administration Maintenance Managers Working Groups MMWG-2 (focusing on existing technologies) and MMWG-3 (focusing on emerging technologies) and wrote and held several presentations to the group. Participated in the MMWG conference at the Y-12 National Security Complex in March 2023.

Mentored and helped new cooling systems engineers and technicians as they began their new position.

Mentored summer internship students.

Represented ORNL by volunteering and with community activities such as talking in several schools to students about engineering. Participated as ORNL team member in sport activities, including the dragon boat race and Secret City running race.

Actively participated in the East Tennessee chapter of the Association of Energy Engineers.

Published several Technical Reports at ORNL via the RESolution publication system. Lead the start-up and power ramp-up in a Cogeneration Power Plant for Mechanical Systems and run the Mechanical Engineering Department.



Has more than 35 years of engineering experience and 7 years of maintenance experience.  Specialized on thermal design.

Outside of ORNL acted as Facilities Engineering Manager in automotive industries and lead numerous energy- saving (heat recovery) and environmental projects. Was involved with electrical, civil, architectural, process control and mechanical engineering.  Managed utilities equipment operation and maintenance.  Managed plant upgrades and efficiency improvement projects.  Planed, budgeted, and managed building expansion project that included access control, security, and fire protection projects.  Budgeted and managed several maintenance and construction contracts.

Previously worked as maintenance technician in an other automotive plant.

Worked in Europe in a cogeneration power plant as mechanical engineer on high pressure boilers and other pressure vessels, piping, and rotary equipment such as high rpm and high pressure steam turbine generators.  Run the Mechanical Engineering Department and lead a new power plant startup and power ramp up.

In automotive recognized by DOE for demonstrating leadership in energy savings; received a Pacifica Award for the Corporation Best Environmental Project for a wastewater ultrafiltration system.

Holds a bachelor’s degree in science and engineering (mechanical engineer; concentration in thermal design) from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and a master’s degree in science and engineering (industrial engineer) from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Member of the Association of Energy Engineers East TN Chapter.

Holds Certified Energy Manager certification from the Association of Energy Engineers.

Energy saving, heat recovery, waste water ultrafiltration, machining coolant reclamation projects in power plant and automotive plants in Europe and US.

Recover steam turbine exhaust steam and boilers exhaust gas for city apartment's heating in "light heating seasons".

Recover steam lines blow-downs for boiler feedwater pre-heating.

Recover air compressors rejected heat for plant space heating.

Reclamation and recycle  automotive parts machining coolant from metal chips.

Ultrafiltration of automotive waste water and reusing. 

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