Dr. Kang Seog Kim's background is a strong combination of academic and industrial. His expertise is in computational reactor physics, transport theory, nuclear data processing, resonance self-shielding methodology, and multiphysics modelling and simulation. He published more than 150 journal articles and conference papers which cover most of reactor physics areas from nuclear data to nuclear power plant applications.
Dr. Kang Seog Kim earned Bachelors and Master degrees of physics at Yonsei University in South Korea and worked at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) for 22 years. While working at KAERI he completed his Ph.D. degree on nuclear engineering at Oregon State University of which specific research area was computational transport theory. At KAERI he developed various reactor physics analysis codes including cross section library generation code package, neutron transport lattice codes and whole core transport code. In addition he was engaged in reload core design for the operating Korean pressurized water reactors and development of the Korean small and modular reactor SMART. In addition to design work he was responsible for development of reactor physics analysis procedure for PWR and SMART and uncertainty evaluation for nuclear parameters of which basis was extended to other types of reactors such as HTGR, SCWR, research reactor and partly fast reactor.
After joining ORNL he has mostly worked on the SCALE methodology and code development to improve accuracy and performance and partly working on application projects. Currently he is working on the development of the CASL core simulator MPACT and working on the improvement of the SCALE code package. He has full experience in reactor physics including industrial reactor core design, advanced GEN-IV reactor core design, all kinds of reactor physics related methodologies and code development and even next generation reactor analysis code package. Therefore, his research interests include computational reactor physics methodologies, code development and applications for the current and future needs of nuclear industry and government.
US-DOE National R&D 100 Awards (November 4, 2016)
“Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications”
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Significant Event Award (October, 2016)
“The High-Fidelity Benchmark of the CASL Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications Against Data from the Full Operating History of TVA’s Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant”
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Significant Event Award (October, 2015)
“Significant Improvement in Computational Performance of the VERA Core Simulator to Meet Industry Objectives for Adoption”
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Significant Event Award (April, 2013)
“Technical Advancements in Nuclear Data Processing that Provide Unprecedented Accuracy for CASL and NRC Reactor Physics Analysis”
Best paper award at KNS 2011 Spring Meeting
“Implementation of the Gamma Transport Calculation Module in KARMA 1.2”
Best paper award at KNS 2007 Spring Meeting
“Physics Analysis of a Prismatic VHTR with Asymmetric Control Rods by Using the HELIOS/MASTER Code Package”
Best paper award at KNS 2006 Autumn Meeting
“A Two-Step Diffusion Solution to the Doubly Heterogeneous PBMR-400 Problem”
Best paper award at KNS 2006 Spring Meeting
“Preservation of Fuel Characteristics in the RPT Method”
Member of Alpha Nu Sigma (ANS Honor Society in Nuclear Engineering) (2000-)