Jong K Keum X-Ray/Neutron Scattering Scientist Contact 865.574.5497 | All Publications Learning continuous scattering length density profiles from neutron reflectivities using convolutional neural networks* Exchangeable Liquid Crystalline Elastomers: Enabling Rapid Processing and Enhanced Actuation Stability through On-Demand Deactivation High performance long chain polyesters via melt copolymerization of cutin-inspired monomers Characterizing Hygroscopic Films of Polyzwitterions in Electric Fields Using Neutron and X-ray Reflectometries: Electrostriction or Mass Loss? Chemical specificity in polyzwitterion-polyelectrolyte coacervates: polycations vs polyanions Investigating Permselectivity in PVDF Mixed Matrix Membranes Using Experimental Optimization, Machine Learning Segmentation, and Statistical Forecasting Lithium nitrate salt-assisted CO2 absorption for the formation of corrosion barrier layer on AZ91D magnesium alloy Performance Restoration of Iron Electrodes by Polarity Reversal after Long-Term Surface Fouling in Wastewater Electrocoagulat... Amplifying Nanoparticle Reinforcement through Low Volume Topologically Controlled Chemical Coupling Structure and lattice excitations of the copper substituted lead oxyapatite Pb9.06(7)Cu0.94(6)(PO3.92(4))6O... Probing the interface structure of block copolymer compatibilizers in semicrystalline polymer blends Nanoscale Ion Transport Enhances Conductivity in Solid Polymer-Ceramic Lithium Electrolytes Interface-enhanced conductivities in surfactant-mediated, solution-grown ionic crystalline complexes Tailoring Chemical Absorption-Precipitation to Lower the Regeneration Energy of a CO2 Capture Solvent... Direct Visualization of Charge Migration in Bilayer Tantalum Oxide Films by Multimodal Imaging Exchange coupling in Bi2Se3/EuSe heterostructures and evidence of interfacial antiferromagnetic order formation Armor for Steel: Facile Synthesis of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Films on Various Substrates Fluorescent aggregate structure revealed in bisphenol F epoxy thermoset... Tuning Ionic Conductivity in Fluorite Gd-Doped CeO2-Bixbyite RE2O3 (RE = Y and Sm) Multilayer Thin Films by Controlling Interfacial Strain Energy gap of topological surface states in proximity to a magnetic insulator Polyester-based epoxy vitrimer integrating spent coffee ground as a natural filler Single Ion Conducting Hairy Nanoparticle Additive to Improve Cycling Stability of Solid Polymer Electrolytes Anti-polyelectrolyte and polyelectrolyte effects on conformations of polyzwitterionic chains in dilute aqueous solutions... Thermally Induced Structural Transitions in Epoxy Thermoset Polymer Networks and Their Spectroscopic Responses Effects of Salt on Phase Behavior and Rheological Properties of Alginate–Chitosan Polyelectrolyte Complexes Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 … Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Google Scholar ORCID Organizations Neutron Sciences Directorate Physical Sciences Directorate User Facilities Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences Nanomaterials Synthesis Section Functional Hybrid Nanomaterials Group Spallation Neutron Source High Flux Isotope Reactor