Joerg C Neuefeind Neutron Scattering Scientist Contact 865.241.1635 | All Publications Transient Covalency in Molten Uranium(III) Chloride... Complex Structure of Molten FLiBe (2LiF–BeF2) Examined by Experimental Neutron Scattering, X-Ray Scattering, and Deep-Neural-Network Based Molecular Dynamics Probing spin waves in Co3O4 nanoparticles for magnonics applications... Systematic study of short- and long-range correlations in RE3TaO7 weberite-type compounds by neutron total scattering and X-ray diffraction Medium-Range Ordering in the Ionic Glass Electrolytes LiPON and LiSiPON Superior Capacitive Energy-Storage Performance in Pb-Free Relaxors with a Simple Chemical Composition Emergence of high piezoelectricity from competing local polar order-disorder in relaxor ferroelectrics Tuning the melting point and phase stability of rare-earth oxides to facilitate their crystal growth from the melt Bond ordering and molecular spin-orbital fluctuations in the cluster Mott insulator GaTa4Se8 Understanding the Re-entrant Phase Transition in a Non-magnetic Scheelite The “good,” the “bad,” and the “hidden” in neutron scattering and molecular dynamics of ionic aqueous solutions Structural analyses of amorphous calcium carbonate before and after removing strontium ions from an aqueous solution Temperature Dependent Local Atomic Structure and Vibrational Dynamics of Barium Hydride and Calcium Hydride Local molecular environment drives speciation and reactivity of ion complexes in concentrated salt solution Superior High-Temperature Strength in a Supersaturated Refractory High-Entropy Alloy Thermodynamic non-ideality and disorder heterogeneity in actinide silicate solid solutions... Spinon Fermi Surface Spin Liquid in a Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet NaYbSe2 Complex Structure of Molten NaCl–CrCl3 Salt: Cr–Cl Octahedral Network and Intermediate-Range Order Nematic Fluctuations in Iron-Oxychalcogenide Mott Insulators Experimental and computational studies of melting of the spinel phase in the Fe–Al–O ternary system Evolution of the structural transition in Mo1−xWxTe2 Predicting short-range order and correlated phenomena in disordered crystalline materials... Charge density modulation and defect ordering in the NaxMnBiy magnetic semimetal Melting temperature measurement of refractory oxide ceramics as a function of oxygen fugacity using containerless methods In Situ High-Temperature Synchrotron Diffraction Studies of (Fe,Cr,Al) 3 O 4 Spinels Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 … Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID NOMAD | BL-1B | SNS Materials Engineering Science Initiative Organizations Neutron Sciences Directorate Neutron Scattering Division Diffraction Section Powder Diffraction Group User Facilities Spallation Neutron Source