Research interests: various reactor physics analysis (e.g., burnup analysis, fuel cycle analysis, irradiated fuel source term calculations, reactor core/fuel design and analysis), spent fuel analysis and safeguards, nondestructive assay (NDA) design and analysis, fuel performance analysis, radiation transport and detection, criticality safety analysis, and multi-physics coupling.
Nuclear Engineer (Ph.D.) with expertises in the development and application of computational methods for reactor physics, fuel performance, nuclear safeguards, criticality safety, fuel cycle, radiation detection, and thermal-hydraulics analysis. More than 10 years of experience in modeling and analyzing nuclear fuel and reactor with various design and operating parameters, developing and applying multi-physics models to analyze nuclear fuel performance, developing nondestructive assay techniques to measure spent nuclear fuel attributes for safeguards applications. Lead and involved in several spent fuel measurement campaigns at spent fuel storage facilities. Embrace strong safety cultures and work ethics. Result- and detail-oriented. Enjoy multi-tasking and team work. Good at creative and critical thinking and coming up with practical solutions.
U.S. DOE National Nuclear Security Administration Joule Award (2020)
U.S. DOE The Secretary of Energy’s Achievement Award for the Spent Fuel Nondestructive Assay Project Team (2021)
Specialized Equipment
Fork detector