Jesse O Piburn
Research Scientist in Geographic Data Sciences
Jesse Piburn is a Research Scientist in Geographic Data Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and is a member of the Geographic Data Sciences group within the National Security and Emerging Technology Division. His primary responsibilities include identifying, developing, and implementing data science based solutions to help solve a wide variety of national and global issues involving national security, population dynamics, energy assuredness, natural resources, and critical infrastructure. Jesse’s background in GIScience and spatial statistics lead to doing more data intensive work in these fields when he joined the ORNL in 2013. He is currently finishing his PhD in Data Science and Engineering at the University of Tennessee. Jesse’s interests include data science, machine learning, geographic information science, spatial-temporal statistics, and statistical software development.
Research Accomplishment in the Science and Technology (team) - UT-Battelle/ORNL 2019
Significant Event Award - ORNL 2019
Significant Event Award - ORNL 2014