portrait of Haynes

James A Haynes

Consortium Director

Dr. J. Allen Haynes joined the ORNL staff in April 1998. Early career interests focused on development and corrosion/oxidation testing of advanced structural materials and protective coating systems, particularly for extreme environments. His interests began to evolve toward staff development and leadership of applied science programs. He served as a group leader for three research groups within the Materials Science & Technology Division at ORNL from 2014 to 2020.  Presently, Allen's primary role at ORNL is leading four materials research programs under the Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) within EERE.  He serves as the Consortium Director and PI for the VTO Powertrain Materials Core Program 2.0 multi-lab consortium, which launched in early 2024.  Version 1.0 of the PMCP had the mission of accelerated development of advanced high temperature and lightweight alloys for higher efficiency internal combustion engines.  The PMCP 2.0 pivoted research efforts to advanced structural materials, functional materials, advanced manufacturing for electric and hybrid vehicles, and sustainable fuel effects on materials (particularly green hydrogen).  The PMCP was designed with an unique program structure and an accelerated materials development approach that strategically leverages the unique combinations of world-class materials characterization capabilities, computational skills and metallurgical expertise across multiple national labs.  The other VTO Materials programs subsequently adopted a similar structure and strategy, based on the outcomes delivered by the PMCP. VTO PMCP outcomes in the past 5 years include 128 peer reviewed journal articles (50% in higher impact journals), 10 patents, 5 related CRADAs/SPPs with industry and the Department of Defense, 9 related materials technologies being prototyped to components for full scale engine, motor or dynamometer testing, 4 R&D 100 Award Finalists, and 2 R&D 100 Awards.  Dr. Haynes has over 120 peer reviewed publications, 3 patents, multiple lab-level, corporate, and DOE awards, 3 R&D 100 Awards - and was identified as being in the top 2% of scientists in the Materials field by a 2020 Stanford University study.   Allen is a veteran, and is a graduate of the U.S Army Infantry, Airborne, Ranger, Primary Leadership Development, Intelligence, and Jungle Warfare Schools.


  • Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, University of Alabama at Birmingham (1997)
  • M.S. Materials Engineering, University of Alabama at Birmingham (1994)
  • B.S. Materials Engineering, University of Alabama at Birmingham (1992)

Research Experience:

  • Consortium Director & Principal Investigator, VTO Powertrain Materials Core Program 1.0 & 2.0, tri-lab consortium (2018-present)
  • ORNL Program Manager, VTO Light Metals Core Program 1.0 & 2.0 (2020 - present)
  • ORNL Program Manager, VTO Joining Core Program 2.0 & 3.0 (2020 - present)
  • ORNL Customer Relations Manager, US Army Ground Vehicle Systems Center (GVSC) (2018 - present)
  • Group Leader, Materials Processing Group, MSTD, ORNL (2018 - 2020)
  • Program Manager, ORNL VTO Propulsion Materials Program (2012 - 2018)
  • Group Leader, Materials Processing & Joining Group, MSTD, ORNL (2016 - 2018) at ORNL
  • Group Leader, Surface Processing & Mechanics Group, MSTD, ORNL (2014 - 2016)
  • Program Manager for the USMC Corrosion Prevention and Control Program at ORNL (2010 - 2012)
  • Part-time research staff, Surface Processing & Mechanics Group, ORNL (2002 - 2009)
  • Research staff, Surface Processing & Mechanics Group, ORNL (1998 - 2002)
  • Postdoctoral Associate, Surface Processing & Mechanics Group, ORNL (1997 - 1998)
  • High Temperature Materials Laboratory Graduate Fellow at ORNL (1993 -1997)

 Professional Activities, Awards & Recent Accomplishments:

  • 2023 UT-Battelle Award for Team Research Accomplishment for Ultra-Conducting Composites
  • 2023, UT-Battelle Team Commercialization Award for New Pistons Steels (with Cummins, Inc.)
  • 2022 R&D 100 Award:  DuAlumin-3D: An Additively Manufactured Dual-Strengthened Aluminum Alloy Designed for Extreme Creep and Fatigue Resistance.
  • Identified as being in top 2% of scientists in the Materials Field (ranked 2,921 of 177,931) by a peer reviewed 2020 Stanford University study.
  • 2020 DOE Office-Level Significant Achievement Team Award (as Tri-Lab Consortium Lead) for Tri-Lab Leadership Team (ORNL, PNNL, ANL) of the VTO Powertrain Materials Core Program, U.S. DOE Vehicle Technologies Office
  • 2018 ORNL UT-Battelle Award for Research Team Accomplishment (Development of ACMZ alloys)
  • 2018, PI for $30M/5 year award from DOE VTO for the Powertrain Materials Core Program
  • 2018, PI for $3.2M/2 year LDRD award for Ultra High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) Systems
  • 2017 R&D 100 Award: ACMZ (AlCuMnZr) Cast Aluminum Alloys
  • 2016 ORNL Significant Event Award
  • 2015 R&D 100 Award: Multifunctional Superhydrophobic Transparent Glass Coating
  • ASM International (Oak Ridge Chair, 2016-2017)
  • Awarded "Best Paper of 2000" by the Journal of the Thermal Spray Society
  • ASM Member (former Oak Ridge chapter Chair, 2016-2017)
  • TMS Member
  • SAE International Member