James D Gaboardi R&D Associate Contact gaboardijd@ornl.gov All Publications HumoNet: A Framework for Realistic Modeling and Simulation of Human Mobility Network DICER: Data Intensive Computing Environment and Runtime for Evaluating Unprecedented Scale of Geospatial-Temporal Human Mobility Data Optimized spatial information for 1990, 2000, and 2010 U.S. census microdata... Spatial Microsimulation and Activity Allocation in Python: An Update on the Likeness Toolkit... Developing capacitated p-median location-allocation model in the spopt library to allow UCL student teacher placements using public transport Likeness: a toolkit for connecting the social fabric of place to human dynamics spopt: a python package for solving spatial optimization problems in PySAL Key Links Curriculum Vitae Google Scholar ORCID LinkedIn GitHub Organizations National Security Sciences Directorate Geospatial Science and Human Security Division Human Dynamics Section Human Geography Group