Jacob P Gorton R&D Assistant Staff Member, Irradiation Engineering Group Contact gortonjp@ornl.gov All Publications Modeling and design of a separate effects irradiation test targeting fission gas release from Cr-doped UO2... ROADRUNNER MiniFuel Experiment - Irradiation Target Design and Sample Characterization Design and Assembly of MiniFuel Targets for Characterization of High Burnup UO2 Specimens Irradiated in the High Flux Isotope Reactor Heat transfer optimization of uo2-mo fuel using genetic algorithms Reactivity-initiated accidents in two pressurized water reactor high burnup core designs... Differences in high burnup fuel management strategies to minimize FFRD and increase economic viability A review of neutronics and thermal hydraulics–based screening methods applied to accelerated nuclear fuel qualification... Design of a MiniFuel Irradiation Experiment to Study Fuel Performance Phenomena in Ceramic Fuels Simulation of a TRISO MiniFuel irradiation experiment with data-informed uncertainty quantification Sensitivity Analysis of TRISO Fuel Configuration in a MiniFuel Irradiation Experiment Thermal Optimization of UO2-Mo Fuel Using Sensitivity Analysis and Genetic Algorithms Simulation of natural circulation cartridge loop experiments and application to molten salt reactors MiniFuel Experimental Capability at Oak Ridge National Laboratory Status Report on Irradiation of MiniFuel Targets bearing TRISO Fuel Compacts Testing and Simulation of an Updated Cartridge Loop Vehicle Design and Control of a Fueled Molten Salt Cartridge Experiment for the Versatile Test Reactor Initial Design of High-Temperature MiniFuel Irradiation Experiments in the High Flux Isotope Reactor Removable Beryllium Region Issue Report Summarizing Modifications to MiniFuel Vehicle Needed to Enable Higher Temperature UO2 Irradiation Capabilities Impact of uranium oxide (UO2) fuel with molybdenum (Mo) inserts on pressurized water reactor performance and safety Assessment of CASL VERA for BWR analysis and application to accident tolerant SiC/SiC channel box Impact of Control Blade Insertion on the Deformation Behavior of SiC-SiC Channel Boxes in BWRs Reactor performance and safety characteristics of ThN-UN fuel concepts in a PWR... Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Nuclear Fuel Development Section Irradiation Engineering Group