Ho Nyung Lee professional portrait

Ho Nyung Lee

Corporate Fellow


  • Corporate Fellow (2020-present)
  • Program Director, ORNL's BES Materials Sciences and Engineering Program (2017-2024)
  • Interim Director, Materials Science and Technology Division (2019)
  • Group Leader, Quantum Heterostructures Group, ORNL (2013-2020)
  • Adjunct Professor: Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Tennessee (July 1, 2008-present)
  • Research Staff (Strategic Hire): Oak Ridge National Laboratory(2002-present, currently Distinguished Research Staff)
  • Postdoc. : Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Germany, Supervisors: Prof. Ulrich Gösele and Prof. Dietrich Hesse (October 1999-July 2002)
  • Research Assistant: Korea Institute of Science & Technology, Seoul, Korea (August 1993-September 1999)
  • Ph. D. Physics Department, Korea University, Seoul, Korea (1999), Supervisor: Prof. Sung Ho Choh (Professor Emeritus)

Fellow, Materials Research Society (2023)

Fellow, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST, 2021)

Fellow, The American Physical Society (2016)

Significant Event Award, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2017, 2014, 2005)

UT-Battelle Science and Technology Award (Scientific Research), ORNL (2012, 2005)

Frontier Research Scientist, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (2011)

Associate Fellow, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (2011)

2006 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), Executive Office of the President of the United States (2007)

2006 Early Career Scientist and Engineer Award: United States Department of Energy (2007)

Bombi Prize (inaugural): The Korean Physical Society (2002)

Best Poster Awards, MRS (2001, 2000)