Hao Lu Research Scientist Contact 865.574.6087 | luh1@ornl.gov All Publications Exploring the Landscape of Distributed Graph Clustering on Leadership Supercomputers BCSR on GPU: A Way Forward Extreme-scale Graph Processing on Accelerator-enabled Frontier Supercomputer Learning the boundary-to-domain mapping using Lifting Product Fourier Neural Operators for partial differential equations Distributed Multi-GPU Community Detection on Exascale Computing Platforms... TwoFold: Highly accurate structure and affinity prediction for protein-ligand complexes from sequences... Optimizing Communication in 2D Grid-Based MPI Applications at Exascale Climbing the Summit and Pushing the Frontier of Mixed Precision Benchmarks at Extreme Scale Exaflops Biomedical Knowledge Graph Analytics Identification of Critical Infrastructure via PageRank Performance Evaluation of Python Based Data Analytics Frameworks in Summit: Early Experiences Toward Quantifying Vulnerabilities in Critical Infrastructure Systems Scalable Knowledge Graph Analytics at 136 Petaflop/s Scalable All-pairs Shortest Paths for Huge Graphs on Multi-GPU Clusters Scalable Proximity-Based Methods for Large-Scale Analysis of Atom Probe Data Efficient, Parallel At-scale Correlation Analysis for Atom Probe Tomography on Hybrid Architectures Spherical Region Queries on Multicore Architectures... Organizations Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate National Center for Computational Sciences Advanced Technologies Section Analytics and AI Methods at Scale Group