Dr. Gerald (Gerry) Knapp is a research and development associate staff member in the Microstructural Evolution Modeling Group within the Materials Sciences and Technology Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Pennsylvania State University in 2021 and his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Louisiana State University in 2016. His research on metal additive manufacturing (AM) processes focuses on the heat transfer and solidification that occurs during directed energy deposition and powder bed fusion, with a specific focus on leveraging numerical and data-driven modeling for giving insights for improving the AM process.
Dr. Knapp is the lead developer for Myna, a Python package that bridges the gap between the ORNL Manufacturing Demonstration Facility's Digital Factory database of AM build data and a variety of simulation tools, such as those developed by the ExaAM project. He is also a contributor to the OpenFOAM-based finite volume AM heat transfer solver, AdditiveFOAM.