Eva Zarkadoula Senior R&D Staff Contact 865.574.6350 | zarkadoulae@ornl.gov All Publications Underlying mechanism of structural transformation between GaSb and GaAs response to intense electronic excitation Complete Degradation of Be2C at Conditions Expected in Molten Salt Environments Nanoscale core–shell structure and recrystallization of swift heavy ion tracks in SrTiO3 Ion velocity effect governs damage annealing process in defective KTaO3 Tailoring the Electronic Structures and Spectral Properties of ZnO with Irradiation Defects Generated Under Intense Electronic Excitation: A Combined Experimental and DFT Approach Crystallographic and temperature effects in low-energy collisions for plasma–material interactions... Athermal annealing of pre-existing defects in crystalline silicon Be2C synthesis, properties, and ion-beam irradiation damage characterization... Microstructure and hardness evolution induced by annealing of ion irradiated LiTaO3 Molecular dynamics simulations of cascade events in AlN... Revealing two-stage phase transition process in defective KTaO3 under inelastic interactions Structural Damage and Recrystallization Response of Garnet Crystals to Intense Electronic Excitation Nanostructures evolution assessment and spectroscopic properties modification induced by electronic energy loss in KTaO3 crystal Laser Doppler vibrometry for piezoelectric coefficient ( d33 ) measurements in irradiated aluminum nitride Irradiation-induced Degradation of Surface Acoustic Wave Devices Fabricated on Bulk AlN... Concentric core-shell tracks and spectroscopic properties of SrTiO3 under intense electronic excitation Native and radiation induced point defects in AlN and Sc-doped AlN Electronic energy loss and ion velocity correlation effects in track production in swift-ion-irradiated LiNbO3: A quantitative assessment between structural damage morphology and energy deposition Development of Aluminum Scandium Nitride Molecular Dynamics Force Fields with Scalable Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization Effects of precipitate size and spacing on deformation-induced fcc to bcc phase transformation X-ray free-electron laser heating of water at picosecond time scale Near-surface modification of defective KTaO3 by ionizing ion irradiation Structural damage response of lanthanum and yttrium aluminate crystals to nuclear collisions and electronic excitation: Threshold assessment of irradiation damage Effects of Recoil Spectra and Electronic Energy Dissipation on Defect Survival in 3C-SiC Predicting phase behavior in high entropy and chemically complex alloys Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID Eva's Personal Page Organizations Physical Sciences Directorate User Facilities Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences Theory and Computation Section Nanomaterials Theory Institute Group