Dr. Elliott Biondo is an R&D staff member in the HPC Methods for Nuclear Applications Group. His research involves the development, computational implementation, and analysis of radiation transport methods for fission, fusion, and national security applications. Specific research areas include GPU computing, computational geometry, reactor physics, and Monte Carlo variance reduction. He is a developer of the Shift Monte Carlo radiation transport code and the Celeritas Monte Carlo high-energy physics code.
Dr. Biondo received dual degrees in chemical engineering and chemistry from the University of Minnesota in 2011. He received a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering from the University of Wisconsin in 2016. He joined ORNL as a postdoctoral fellow in late 2016 and transitioned to a full staff role in early 2019.
Best Paper and Presentation, Mathematics and Computation Division, ANS Annual Meeting, 2024
Finalist, Early Career Competition, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2023
Finalist, Gordon Bell Prize, Association for Computing Machinery, 2023
Graduate Fellowship, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2013-2016
Best of RPSD 2014, American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, 2015
Student Paper Award, American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, 2013
Chancellor’s Opportunity Award, University of Wisconsin, 2011
National Gold Scholarship, University of Minnesota, 2007-2011
University of Wisconsin
Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, 2016
M.S., Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, 2013
University of Minnesota
B.ChE., Chemical Engineering, 2011
B.S., Chemistry, 2011