Changwoo Do Scattering Scientist Contact | 865.576.6981 All Publications Identifying Topological Defects in Lamellar Phases through Contour Analysis of Complex Wave Fields Dynamic Implications of Noncovalent Interactions in Amphiphilic Single-Chain Polymer Nanoparticles The influence of elongation-induced concentration fluctuations on segmental friction in polymer blends Viscoelastic relaxation and topological fluctuations in glass-forming liquids Multiscale embedded printing of engineered human tissue and organ equivalents Unveiling mesoscopic structures in distorted lamellar phases through deep learning-based small angle neutron scattering analy... Unbiased particle conformation extraction from scattering spectra using orthonormal basis expansions Comprehensive Dynamics in a Polyelectrolyte Complex Coacervate Probing the interface structure of block copolymer compatibilizers in semicrystalline polymer blends Solution Structure and Scaling Laws of Cylindrical and Tapered Bottlebrush Polymers Desmearing small-angle scattering data by central moment expansions... Model-Free Approach for Profiling of Polydisperse Soft Matter Using Small Angle Scattering... Selective deconstruction of mixed plastics by a tailored organocatalyst Quantifying molecular deformation in polymer melts by a generalized Zimm plot approach Enhancement of polymer thermoresponsiveness and drug delivery across biological barriers by addition of small molecules Enabling quantitative analysis of complex polymer blends by infrared nanospectroscopy and isotopic deuteration Insight into the assembly of lipid-hyaluronan complexes in osteoarthritic conditions... Sequence-Enhanced Self-Healing in “Lock-and-Key” Copolymers Revealing the Correlation between the Solvation Structures and the Transport Properties of Water-in-Salt Electrolytes Probing single-chain conformation and its impact on the optoelectronic properties of donor–accepter conjugated polymers Inferring colloidal interaction from scattering by machine learning... Ion Atmosphere of Wormlike Micelles Profiled by Contrast Variation Small-Angle Neutron Scattering... Improved chemical and isotopic labeling of biomembranes in Bacillus subtilis by leveraging CRISPRi inhibition of beta-ketoacy... drtsans: The data reduction toolkit for small-angle neutron scattering at Oak Ridge National Laboratory... EXPANSE: A time-of-flight EXPanded Angle Neutron Spin Echo spectrometer at the Second Target Station of the Spallation Neutro... Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 … Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID Organizations Neutron Sciences Directorate Neutron Scattering Division Large Scale Structures Section SANS and Spin Echo Group