Casey S McKinney Contact All Publications BISON VALIDATION TO PRESSUREIZED WATER REACTOR HIGH-BURNUP POST-IRRADIATION EXAMINATION DATA NON-DESTRUCTIVE POST IRRADIATION EXAMINATION OF FIRST CYCLE ACCIDENT TOLERANT AND ADVANCED ZIRCONIUM ALLOY HIGH BURNUP FUEL RODS Characterization of the radial microstructural evolution in LWR UO2 using electron backscatter diffraction Advanced Multiscale Microscopy Characterization of High Burnup LWR UO2 Before and After LOCA Testing Advanced microscopy for characterization of high burnup commercial uo2 fuel before and after LOCA testing A practical guide to characterizing irradiated nuclear fuels using FIB tomography Identifying chemically similar multiphase nanoprecipitates in compositionally complex non-equilibrium oxides via machine learning Three-Dimensional Bubble Reconstruction in High Burnup UO2 Sample Preparation for 3D Characterization of Irradiated Fuel Key Links ORCID Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Nuclear Fuel Development Section Nuclear Fuel Element Performance Group