Anthony Q Armstrong Senior Scientist Contact | 865.576.1555 All Publications Atmospheric Transformation of Refrigerants: Current Research Developments and Knowledge Gaps... An Overview of the Risk Assessment Information System Quantifying the Impact of Excluding the Submersion Exposure Route for Existing Superfund Radionuclide Screening Level Calcula... Air Exchange Rate Impact on Activity Equilibrium Factors and Inhalation Fractional Equilibrium Factors for Rn, Xe, Kr, Ar, Ne, and Their Progeny in Vapor Intrusion, Risk, and Dose Models Characterization of the indoor far-field aerosol transmission in a model commercial office building... Characterization of the indoor near-field aerosol transmission in a model commercial office building... Biota Modeling in EPA’s Preliminary Remediation Goal and Dose Compliance Concentration Calculators for Use in EPA Superfund... Bateman Equation Adaptation for Solving and Integrating Peak Activity into EPA ELCR and Dose Models Air Exchange Rate Impact on Actinon, Thoron, and Radon Activity Equilibrium Factor and Inhalation Fractional Equilibrium Factor Determination in Vapor Intrusion Risk and Dose Models Health-based ingestion exposure guidelines for Vibrio cholerae: Technical basis for water reuse applications... Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID Organizations Biological and Environmental Systems Science Directorate Environmental Sciences Division Biodiversity and Sustainable Systems Section Environmental Risk and Energy Analysis Group