Andreas Wingen Contact 858.455.2305 | All Publications Prediction of pellet mass thresholds for ELM triggering in low-collisionality, ITER-like discharges PREDICTION OF PELLET MASS THRESHOLDS FOR ELM TRIGGERING IN LOW-COLLISIONALITY, ITER-LIKE DISCHARGES... THE M3D-C1 CODE AS A TOOL FOR DESIGN VALIDATION AND WHOLE-DEVICE MODELING Misalignment of magnetic field in DIII-D assessed by post-mortem analysis of divertor targets... 3D ion gyro-orbit heat load predictions for NSTX-U Separatrix-to-Wall Simulations of Impurity Transport with a Fully Three-Dimensional Wall in DIII-D... DIII-D research advancing the physics basis for optimizing the tokamak approach to fusion energy A Software Package for Plasma-Facing Component Analysis and Design: The Heat Flux Engineering Analysis Toolkit (HEAT) Theoretical study of the Alfven eigenmode stability in CFETR steady state discharges Pellet ELM triggering in DIII-D with low collisionality, peeling-limited pedestals Pellet triggering of edge localized modes in low collisionality pedestals at DIII-D New heat flux model for non-axisymmetric divertor infrared structures Resolving the fast ion distribution from imaging neutral particle analyzer measurements Divertor currents during type-I edge-localized modes on the DIII-D tokamak DIII-D research towards establishing the scientific basis for future fusion reactors A new stabilizing regime of tearing mode entrainment in the presence of a static error field Non-axisymmetric heat flux patterns on tokamak divertor tiles Helical core formation and evolution during current ramp-up in the high-field tokamak Alcator C-Mod Observation of divertor currents during type-I ELMs on the DIII-D tokamak... Favorable impact of RMP ELM suppression on divertor heat fluxes at ITER-like conditions Onset conditions of helical cores in tokamaks for extrapolation to ITER Helical variation of density profiles and fluctuations in the tokamak pedestal with applied 3D fields and implications for confinement Use of reconstructed 3D equilibria to determine onset conditions of helical cores in tokamaks for extrapolation to ITER Effects of two-dimensional magnetic uncertainties and three-dimensional error and perturbation fields on the Small Angle Slot divertor geometry and topology Modeling of 3D magnetic equilibrium effects on edge turbulence stability during RMP ELM suppression in tokamaks Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Fusion Energy Division Burning Plasma Foundations Section Advanced Tokamak Physics Group