Abhishek is a researcher in the Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI) group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
His research interests include Deep Learning for Computer Vision, Satellite Image Processing, Geospatial Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Natural Language Processing, Remote Sensing and GIS and Internet Of Things.
Abhishek received his doctoral degree from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. His doctoral research explored the areas of Geospatial Semantics and Deep Learning for Satellite Image Processing, towards leveraging Knowledge Graphs for enhanced Scene Understanding of Remote Sensing Scenes.
As a part of the Google Summer of Earth Engine 2019 Research Program, he was selected to work on "Machine Learning based Mapping of Croplands with Google Earth Engine for Identifying Human-Wildlife Conflict Locations" with Centre for Wildlife Studies. He has been a two-time Google Summer of Code student for the organizations - Cesium in 2015, where he contributed to the NASA's Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) by processing and visualizing 3-dimensional LiDAR data from the CALIPSO satellite; and Liquid Galaxy in 2016, where he worked on enabling Cesium for a panoramic experience on the Liquid Galaxy hardware.
Abhishek is an open source enthusiast and has been a code contributor to Mozilla Firefox.