An enhanced understanding of the laws of quantum mechanics is enabling a quantum revolution that promises to transform a vast range of technologies critical to American competitiveness.
By hosting a multidisciplinary team of world-renowned researchers, ORNL is empowering scientists to pursue quantum innovation via theoretical and experimental research efforts, from designing and deploying secure, next-generation networks to developing more precise sensors. Through the lab’s broad quantum expertise and the establishment of DOE’s Quantum Science Center, ORNL is enabling the quantum future and building the diverse quantum workforce of tomorrow.
With diverse capabilities to support materials synthesis, fabrication, and characterization, ORNL researchers are exploring new approaches to storing, measuring, and transferring information via four primary capabilities: quantum computing, quantum materials, quantum networking, and quantum sensing.
Equipped with decades of leadership in high-performance computing, ORNL is working toward the integration of classical and quantum computing to assess the potential of quantum architectures and accelerate scientific discovery.
Leveraging the lab's suite of world-leading user facilities, such as the Spallation Neutron Source and Frontier supercomputer, ORNL researchers are developing and deploying materials capable of harnessing quantum effects.
Using state-of-the-art quantum optics facilities, ORNL staff are developing next-generation sensors capable of detecting a range of phenomena, including dark matter, that currently elude today’s technology.
ORNL is working with cities, utility companies, and other partners to modernize and enhance security of the nation’s electric grid and set the standard for the integration of tomorrow’s quantum networks with today’s infrastructure.
"ORNL’s diverse quantum expertise makes it the ideal institution to lead the next quantum revolution." — Nick Peters, Section Head, Quantum Information Science
The Quantum Science Center, a Department of Energy Office of Science National Quantum Information Science Research Center headquartered at ORNL, is creating new quantum technologies that will radically advance secure, energy-efficient computing and maintain American leadership in fundamental and applied science.
The Quantum Computing User Program, managed by ORNL, provides access to a variety of state-of-the-art commercial quantum computing resources for purposes of discovery and innovation in scientific computing applications.