Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
2023 XXIX International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT)
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1 to 6
Publisher Location
New Jersey, United States of America
Conference Name
International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT)
Conference Location
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Conference Sponsor
Conference Date
We present a solution of sparse alternating current optimal power flow (ACOPF) analysis on graphical processing unit (GPU). In particular, we discuss the performance bottlenecks and detail our efforts to accelerate the linear solver, a core component of ACOPF that dominates the computational time. ACOPF analyses of two large-scale systems, synthetic Northeast (25,000 buses) and Eastern (70,000 buses) U.S. grids [1], on GPU show promising speed-up compared to analyses on central processing unit (CPU) using a state-of-the-art solver. To our knowledge, this is the first result demonstrating a significant acceleration of sparse ACOPF on GPUs.