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Testing and Evaluation of Passive Radiation Detection Equipment for Homeland Security

by David L West, Nathan L Wood, Christina D Forrester
Publication Type
Journal Name
ITEA Journal of Test and Evaluation
Publication Date
Page Numbers
314 to 321

This article is concerned with test and evaluation methods for passive radiation detection equipment used in homeland security applications. The different types of equipment used in these applications are briefly reviewed and then test and evaluation methods discussed. The primary emphasis is on the test and evaluation standards developed by the American National Standards Institute’s N42 committees. Commonalities among the standards are reviewed as well as examples of unique aspects for specific equipment types. Throughout, sample test configurations and results from testing and evaluation at Oak Ridge National Laboratory are given. The article concludes with a brief discussion of typical tests and evaluations not covered by the N42 standards and some examples of test and evaluation that involve the end users of the equipment.