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Rapid measurements of 235U fission product isotope ratios using an online, high-pressure ion chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry protocol with comparison to isotopic depletion models

by Emilie K Fenske, Benjamin D Roach, David C Glasgow, Ralph H Ilgner, Joseph M Giaquinto
Publication Type
Journal Name
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Publication Date
Page Numbers
153 to 163

An automated online separation–direct analysis method, RAPID (rapid analysis of post-irradiation debris), has been developed for the measurement of the concentration and isotopic composition of over 40 elements down to the low-picogram level. Here we discuss the application of RAPID to irradiated highly-enriched uranium, demonstrating that it has the sensitivity required to achieve precise, low-level analyses of non-natural isotopes, even in the presence of a bulk uranium matrix. Isotopic ratios have been successfully measured at the low-picogram level, and the accuracy of these ratios was confirmed using an isotopic depletion and decay modeling software to within 1–2%.