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PRATHAM: Parallel Thermal Hydraulics Simulations using Advanced Mesoscopic Methods...

by Abhijit S Joshi, Prashant K Jain, Jaime A Mudrich, Emilian L Popov
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
2012 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo
Conference Location
San Diego, California, United States of America
Conference Date

At the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, efforts are under way to develop a 3D, parallel LBM code—called PRATHAM (PaRAllel Thermal Hydraulic simulations using Advanced Mesoscopic Methods)—to demonstrate the accuracy and scalability of LBM for turbulent flow simulations in nuclear applications. The code has been developed using FORTRAN-90, and parallelized using the message passing interface MPI library. Silo library is used to compact and write the data files, and VisIt visualization software is used to post-process the simulation data in parallel. Both the single relaxation time (SRT) and multi relaxation time (MRT) LBM schemes have been implemented in PRATHAM. To capture turbulence without prohibitively increasing the grid resolution requirements, an LES approach [5] is adopted allowing large scale eddies to be numerically resolved while modeling the smaller (subgrid) eddies. In this work, a Smagorinsky model has been used, which modifies the fluid viscosity by an additional eddy viscosity depending on the magnitude of the rate-of-strain tensor. In LBM, this is achieved by locally varying the relaxation time of the fluid.