With the integration of more and more power electronics devices into the grid, it is not easy to guarantee the stability of the whole system due to the complexity of the control structure of various power converters. In this paper, we consider grid-forming and grid-following converters in one microgrid, in which the grid-forming converters support the voltage and frequency of the microgrid and the grid-following converters inject their maximum power into the microgrid. To handle the stability issue, the passivity principle is applied to guarantee the stability of the whole microgrid. We ensure every grid-following converter satisfies the passivity via the port-controlled Hamiltonian method. In addition, we apply the passivity-based proportional-resonant controller to the grid-forming converter. One of the advantages of the proposed method is that the phase lock loop system is eliminated, which may cause stability issues. Simulation results show that the proposed method can control the microgrid effectively.