Quantum metrology takes advantage of quantum correlations to enhance the sensitivity of sensors and measurement techniques beyond their fundamental classical limit, given by the shot-noise limit. The use of both temporal and spatial correlations present in quantum states of light can extend quantum-enhanced sensing to a parallel configuration that can simultaneously probe an array of sensors or independently measure multiple parameters. To this end, we use multispatial-mode bright twin beams of light, which are characterized by independent quantum-correlated spatial subregions in addition to quantum temporal correlations, to probe a four-sensor quadrant plasmonic array. We show that it is possible to independently and simultaneously measure local changes in refractive index for all four sensors with a quantum enhancement in sensitivity in the range of 22% to 24% over the corresponding classical configuration. These results provide a first step toward highly parallel spatially resolved quantum-enhanced sensing techniques and pave the way toward more complex quantum sensing and quantum imaging platforms.