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Nuclear Data Sheets for A=58...

by Caroline D Nesaraja, Scott Geraedts, Balraj Singh
Publication Type
Journal Name
Nuclear Data Sheets
Publication Date
Page Numbers
897 to 1092

The evaluated spectroscopic data are presented for known nuclides of mass 58 (Ca,Sc,Ti,V,Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,
Ni,Cu,Zn). Excited–state data are nonexistent for 58Ca, 58Sc, and 58Zn; and very scarce for 58Ti and 58V, with
only one tentative level in each case. Except for half–lives, no other radioactive decay data are available
for the decay of 58Sc and 58Ti. The radioactive decays of 58V, 58Cr and 58Zn are not considered as well
established. Superdeformed structures are known in 58Ni (two bands) and in 58Cu (one band). Prompt proton
decay of high–spin states in 58Ni for eight levels and prompt a decay for two states have been identified. In
58Cu, one high–spin state decays by prompt proton emission.