This paper presents an assembly misload analysis methodology developed to support criticality safety analysis of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) dual-purpose canisters (DPCs) using as-loaded configurations. The misload analysis approach is based on Interim Staff Guidance 8 “Burnup Credit in the Criticality Safety Analyses of PWR Spent Fuel in Transportation and Storage Casks” (ISG 8 rev. 3), but extended to support as-loaded configurations. The two misload scenarios analyzed included; (1) the correct assemblies are selected from the pool but placed incorrectly into the most reactive configuration inside the canister, and (2) the incorrect, most reactive assembly/assemblies in the pool is/are placed into the most reactive position(s) in the canister. Results from this misload analysis approach can be combined with misload probability to support criticality safety assessment of SNF during storage, transportation, and disposal. The misload analysis has been applied to 67 loaded DPCs at two sites using a disposal scenario. The analyzed sites include both PWR and BWR reactors and two canister variants—MPC-32 and MPC-68.