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Mesopore differences between pillared lamellar MFI and MWW zeolites probed by atomic layer deposition of titania and consequences on photocatalysis

Publication Type
Journal Name
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
Publication Date
Page Numbers
260 to 269

The pillared MWW (PMWW or MCM-36) and pillared MFI (PMFI) are two prominent representatives of meso-/microporous lamellar zeolites, which are made by pillaring of layered MCM-22(P) and multilamellar MFI precursors, respectively. They both consist of a 10-membered ring sinusoidal micropore channel within each zeolitic layer and mesopore voids created by pillars between two adjacent zeolitic layers. Although catalytic activities of PMWW and PMFI have been compared, identification of mesopore differences between these two pillared lamellar zeolites has not been attempted. In this work, we report the differences in mesopore characteristics between PMWW and PMFI zeolites probed by atomic layer deposition (ALD) of titania (ALD-TiO2) species and a combination of structural, textural, composition and catalytic property analyses of the samples before and after ALD treatment, respectively. The results suggest PMFI has cylindrical mesopores with uniform sizes from pore entrance to main body, while PMWW has ink-bottle mesopores with the neck size much smaller than pore body. The communication between micropore and mesopore in PMFI is direct, but no communication exists in PMWW zeolites. The ALD-TiO2 process considerably modified external surface composition of PMFI and PMWW zeolites, which consequently led to a new application of the pillared lamellar zeolite materials, i.e., photo-catalytically active meso-/microporous zeolites for environmental remedy reactions.