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L–H transition trigger physics in ITER-similar plasmas with applied n  =  3 magnetic perturbations

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Nuclear Fusion
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The L–H transition power threshold P LH is observed to increase with applied n  =  3 resonant magnetic perturbations (RMP) in ITER-similar-shape plasmas with balanced neutral beam torque injection in DIII-D. The increase is most pronounced with added electron–cyclotron heating: P LH increases with decreasing edge plasma collisionality as P LH/P LH-08 ~ (ν *)−0.5, where P LH-08 is the 2008 ITPA multi-machine power threshold scaling. This result raises concerns for H-mode access at low edge collisionality in ITER, where RMP may have to be applied before the L–H transition to safely suppress the first edge-localized mode. Non-axisymmetric modifications with RMP include a simultaneous reduction of the radial electric field (E r) well depth and E   ×   B shear. This can be attributed to increasing edge toroidal co-current rotation, and is consistent with substantially increased local long-wavelength turbulence (measured via beam emission spectroscopy). At high RMP perturbation strength the edge electric field E r reverses sign locally (becomes positive), with changes in dominant turbulence modes. Edge magnetic stochasticity provides an attractive explanation of the observed modifications, and the observed changes in toroidal rotation and E r are consistent with a simple fluid model describing radial electron current flow along stochastic fieldlines. The observed collisionality dependence of the L-mode edge electric field with applied RMP is also qualitatively consistent with this model. Reflectometry data indicate a significant reduction of the normalized L-mode radial density gradient a/L n at high RMP field with simultaneous increase in radial particle flux and electron thermal flux from power balance analysis. We conjecture that the increase of P LH with RMP results from the combined effects of reduced E   ×   B flow shear (increasing turbulent transport levels) and toroidal/poloidal flow modulation due to edge stochasticity. Initial experiments indicate that non-resonant n  =  3 magnetic perturbations lead only to relatively small changes in E r, E   ×   B shear and fluctuation characteristics, and have less impact on the L–H transition power threshold. This motivates further exploration of the RMP spectrum dependence of P LH for possible mitigation of the observed threshold increase.