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Introduction to the special issue on smart transportation...

by Bo Xu, Gautam Malviya Thakur
Publication Type
Journal Name
GeoInformatica: An International Journal on Advances of Computer Science for Geographic Information Systems
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1 to 3

Transportation is getting smarter and smarter, with the prominence of connected automated vehicle technologies in the global auto industry’s near-term growth strategies, of big data analytics and unprecedented access to sensing data of mobility, and of integration of this analytics into the optimization of mobility and transport. These developments are setting off a wave of smart transportation innovations, which are featured by new methods and applications driven by various forms of sensor data such as GPS, CAN bus, LIDA, images, etc. At the same time, complexities surrounding the use, conflation, and processing of disparate data in near real-time is of essence for the design and development of futuristic smart transportation.