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Initial Testing of Mediated Electrochemical Oxidation for Inclusion in the Plutonium-238 Production Program...

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space (NETS)
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1 to 4
Conference Name
Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space 2019
Conference Location
Richland, Washington, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
American Nuclear Society
Conference Date

Oak Ridge National Laboratory is currently restarting the United States’ capability to produce kilogram quantities of 238Pu annually for space power applications. This involves the purification of 238Pu from neutron-irradiated 237Np targets and conversion to heat-source plutonium oxide product for shipment to Los Alamos National Laboratory. Dissolution of the plutonium oxide product material is required to obtain an isotopic assay and impurity analysis of the product material. In addition, any off-specification product will need to be dissolved for re-purification. An electrochemical method that produces highly oxidizing ions in solution is currently being investigated as a rapid method for dissolving these plutonium oxide samples.