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Hierarchical Control and Stability Analysis for a Nonisolated Grid-Tied DC Energy Router Integrating Energy Storage and Partial Distributed Generation

by Yaosuo Xue
Publication Type
Journal Name
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1485 to 1502

This article proposes a nonisolated dc converter-based energy router (dc-ER) and its operating strategy. The intent is to integrate energy storage (ES), distributed generation (DG), local load, and dc power grid in an autonomous and more efficient way. The ES/DG power ports are coupled with each other in partial-type connections, which obtains higher voltage supply gain and direct input–output power transmission. High-voltage supply gain allows a wide solar power tracking range and the possibility of optimal battery charging/discharging. Direct input–output power transmission improves the energy conversion efficiency. In this article, the operating modes of dc-ER are first analyzed, followed by the optimal hardware design counting the DG current ripple minimization and the limitation caused by the power flow direction. Second, the mathematical model of dc-ER is deduced. The hierarchical control is then proposed to manage port energy in a flexible manner. The stability is analyzed by using impedance modeling. Finally, experimental and simulation results verify the superiorities of the proposed topology in terms of flexible operating mode transition and high-power conversion efficiency.