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Grid-to-rod fretting wear study of SiC/SiC composite accident-tolerant fuel claddings using an autoclave fretting bench test

by Chanaka K Ihala Gamaralalage, Rick Wang, Roger Lu, Jack Gazza, Jun Qu
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Grid-to-rod-fretting (GTRF) in pressurized water reactors (PWRs) is known to cause wear and surface damage on the fuel claddings, potentially leading to radioactive leakage. One of the accident-tolerant fuel (ATF) concepts is to use advanced cladding materials that could withstand higher temperatures. This study investigated the wear behavior of candidate silicon carbide (SiC)-based composite claddings with different levels of surface finish in fretting against a commercial ZIRLO alloy grid using a unique bench-scale autoclave GTRF rig. The experiments mimicked the environment in an industrial full-assembly PWR simulator. Fretting tests were conducted with a realistic load (∼0.5 N) in deionized water under a pressure of 20–23 bar at 204 °C for 100 h. While the SiC/SiC composite claddings showed significantly higher wear resistance than the commercial ZIRLO alloy cladding as expected, the smoother versions experienced surprisingly higher wear than the much softer counterface, ZIRLO grid. The wear mechanism of the SiC/SiC cladding was attributed to the SiC wear debris that was trapped at the fretting interface causing both 3-body and 2-body (embedded into the grid surface) abrasion of the cladding. Rougher SiC/SiC claddings had less material loss but caused more wear on the ZIRLO grid. Pre-oxidized ZIRLO grid showed better compatibility with the SiC/SiC cladding to protect both the cladding and grid as a result of reduced wear debris trapping.