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Finite-size scaling analysis of spin correlations and fluctuations of two quantum dots in a T-shape geometry...

by Fabian Heidrich-meisner, G. Martins, Khaled A Al Hassanieh, A. E. Feiguin, Elbio R Dagotto
Publication Type
Journal Name
Physica B: Condensed Matter
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1544 to 1546

The study of interacting nanostructures such as quantum dots is a playground for several novel numerical approaches. Recently developed methods such as the time-dependent density matrix renormalization approach or the embedded-cluster approximation rely on the numerical solution of clusters of finite-size. For the interpretation of numerical results, it is important to understand finite-size and boundary effects. Here, we study spin fluctuations and spin–spin correlations of two dots coupled in a T-shape geometry. Depending on odd–even effects, quite different results emerge from clusters that do not differ much in size.
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