In the Gaussian-modulated coherent state quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol, the sender first generates Gaussian-distributed random numbers and then encodes them on weak laser pulses actively by performing amplitude and phase modulations. Recently, an equivalent passive QKD scheme has been proposed by exploring the intrinsic field fluctuations of a thermal source [B. Qi, P. G. Evans, and W. P. Grice, Phys. Rev. A 97, 012317 (2018)]. This passive QKD scheme is especially appealing for chip-scale implementation since no active modulation is required. In this paper, we conduct an experimental study of the passively encoded QKD scheme using an off-the-shelf amplified spontaneous emission source operated in continuous-wave mode. Our results show that the excess noise introduced by the passive state preparation scheme can be effectively suppressed by applying optical attenuation and a secure key can be generated over metro-area distances.