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Electrodeposition of Actinide Compounds from an Aqueous Ammonium Acetate Matrix: Experimental Development and Optimization...

by Rose A Boll, Milan Matos, Matthew N Torrico
Publication Type
Journal Name
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
Publication Date
Page Numbers
64 to 69

Electrodeposition is a technique that is routinely employed in nuclear research for the preparation of thin solid films of actinide materials which can be used in accelerator beam bombardments, irradiation studies, or as radioactive sources. The present study investigates the deposition of both lanthanides and actinides from an aqueous ammonium acetate electrolyte matrix. Electrodepositions were performed primarily on stainless steel disks; with yield analysis evaluated using γ-spectroscopy. Experimental parameters (run time, current density, voltage, electrolyte concentration, and initial analyte mass) were studied and modified in order to optimize the uniformity and adherence of the deposition while maximizing the yield. The initial development utilized samarium as the plating material, with and without a radioactive tracer. Surface characterization studies were performed by scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe analysis, radiographic imaging, and x-ray diffraction.