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The Effect of APS-HVOF Bond Coating Thickness Ratio on TBC Furnace Cycle Lifetime

by Michael J Lance, Kenneth A Kane, Bruce A Pint
Publication Type
Journal Name
Oxidation of Metals
Publication Date
Page Numbers
385 to 397

Combinations of NiCoCrAlY APS and high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) bond coatings were deposited on alloy 247 disk substrates with APS yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) top coatings to assess the benefit of air plasma sprayed (APS) ‘flash’ bond coatings. Using 1-h cycles at 1100 ℃ in air with 10% H2O and HVOF-only and APS-only bond coatings as a baseline, it was found that APS flash coatings extended the average coating lifetime by 16% to 35% with the thicker flash coating performing best. Principal component analysis and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) compositional mapping on coatings characterized after 0, 100, 300 and 500 cycles and after failure showed that the Al in the bond coatings was depleted due to both oxidation and back diffusion into the substrate. The APS-only bond coating had significant oxidation throughout the bond coating and was so depleted in Al, that Al diffused from the substrate to the coating. Residual stress maps of the thermally-grown alumina scale were obtained every 100 cycles using photo-stimulated luminescence piezospectroscopy (PLPS) revealing that the Thick Flash coating had the slowest rate of damage accumulation in the oxide scale.