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Coupled neutronics and species transport simulation of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment

by Kyoung O Lee, Matthew A Jessee, Aaron M Graham, David J Kropaczek
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Nuclear Engineering and Design
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This paper presents the development of coupling between the molten salt reactor species transport code Mole and the reactor physics code Griffin. In this study, tracking of delayed neutron precursors was investigated in the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE), accounting for changes in fuel flow velocity as a function of position in the primary loop. The neutron transport calculations in Griffin were performed using 11 energy groups, and the species advection calculations in Mole used 6 delayed neutron precursor groups to predict spatial distribution of the neutron flux and neutron precursors in the MSRE. Mole–Griffin was used to calculate and in the reactor as a function of different volumetric flow rates.