This article presents a coupled-DC power module-based cascaded multilevel converter integrating utility-scale photovoltaic (PV) generations (coupled-DC-link power module (CDPM)-PV). CDPM-PV inherits merits such as modular structure, distributed maximum power point tracking (MPPT), direct distribution grid access, from cascaded H-bridge-based PV (CHB-PV) system. But, it supplies more flexible power routes than CHB-PV, through coupling different DC-links. Power routes are intended for enlarging the entire operating range including conditions of active power mismatch arising from nonideal elements such as partial shading and parameter variations. The system construction with its self-balancing principle is first introduced. Switching states for different operating regions are then derived based on the principle of easing implementation. Based on these, a modulation strategy including initial switching pattern selection and coordinated power routing is proposed to allow module-mismatches. Operating ranges are also analyzed and compared with conventional CHB-PV. Simulation results of a 3-MW/13.8-kV system developed in MATLAB/Simulink platform, and experiment results based on a 2.4-kW/311-V setup are presented and have demonstrated that the CDPM-PV topology with proposed modulation strategy can not only ride through a larger range of module mismatches, but also improve solar power utilization and system efficiency owing to noncompromised MPPT.